FUE Beard Transplant

Macho man

Both rich hair and well-groomed beards are undoubtedly a very important feature of men’s appearance. Hair transplantation from one place to another is not only applied to the hair but also to various parts of the body.

In particular, there are individuals who show thinning in the beard area. This can be due to hormonal, hereditary or temperamental factors, trauma or scarring of the skin. Although there are many treatments to restore thinning in the beard area, the effect is often temporary.

The only solution for the permanent restoration of the beard is the transplantation of hairs with the FUE technique.

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Member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery


Natural Result

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Only one session


No scars

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How is Beard Transplant performed with the FUE technique?

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The process of Beard transplant with the FUE method is almost the same as the corresponding hair transplant. Specifically, hair follicles are transferred from the donor area of the head to the affected area. The donor area is usually the area at the back and bottom of the scalp, where the hair is most resistant to time. Then, the hair follicles are placed one by one to the beard area.

It should be noted that this method is extremely demanding in the facial area as the placement of the hairs must be in the right direction giving a completely natural result.

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How many sessions are required?

Beard transplant requires only one session. However, there is the possibility of a later session in cases where more density is needed.

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    What are the advantages of FUE Beard Transplant?

    During the process, the doctor harvests the hair follicles one by one, bloodlessly and without leaving scars on the skin. Thus, he has the possibility to decide which hair follicles to choose and which parts of the donor area to process, avoiding any failures. The placement of the grafts is done in the direction of the existing hairs, so that the new hairs harmoniously follow the direction of the old ones. This gives a natural result that is hardly noticeable. The procedure is painless as local anesthesia is used.

    The patient can immediately return to his daily activities and the healing of the donor and recipient area is extremely fast.

    The results of FUE Beard Transplant

     Placing the follicles one by one in the right direction is a very important factor for natural results. As long as all the hair follicles are placed in the right position, they are observed to fall out over a period of 2-6 weeks. Then, the hairs grow gradually and become visible after 6-12 months.

    How much does a Beard transplant cost?

    In each hair transplant, the cost is determined by the number of hair follicles placed each time. So also in beard transplant, the cost of the operation depends on the extent of the affected area and the density required to have a fully restoration.

    The FUE technique is characterized as a minimally invasive method against hair loss. In addition to the hair and chin area, it can be applied to the mustache, sideburns or eyebrows. In any case, the opinion of an experienced dermatologist is needed to evaluate the problem and decide whether the patient should undergo a procedure.

    Get fully informed through our website about hair transplantation as well as the cost of the operation. It is worth noting at this point, that the exact cost of the operation cannot be defined in advance, as an examination by the specialist Dermatologist is required.

    Browse our website to learn more about fut, fue hair transplant and our other services! Read more about eyebrow transplant, eyebrow transplant and the increasingly popular Body hair transplant.

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