Hair loss is a common problem today that affects both men and women. The causes of hair loss are primarily related to genetic factors, stress, medications, disorders, diseases, infections, or inflammations, among others. The hair gradually becomes thinner, weakens, and falls out. If you notice daily hair loss of more than 100 hairs, you should contact a qualified dermatologist.
Treating hair loss involves conservative and minimally invasive methods. To permanently and naturally eliminate hair loss, the solution lies in hair transplantation. However, before proceeding with this method, it is necessary to determine the type of alopecia you are suffering from and whether you are an ideal candidate for hair transplantation.
Conservative & Invasive Treatment
Personalized Plan
Safety & Accuracy
Diagnosis of Hair Loss
The diagnosis of hair loss includes taking the patient’s full medical history, clinical examination, and sample collection from their scalp through trichogram and trichoscopy.
These specialized tests provide the doctor with a better understanding of the condition to appropriately evaluate the case and develop a suitable treatment plan for the patient.
The trichogram is a non-invasive diagnostic method for identifying the type of alopecia. It helps in observing the morphology of the hair and gives the doctor a general overview of the condition of the scalp. It is a safe method that provides accurate results for managing the specific condition. Additionally, it identifies other hair disorders or conditions and helps monitor the progress of the disease.
The trichogram shows us the hair density and categorizes it. More specifically, hair is divided into the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases, and into dystrophic hair.
The trichogram test requires the individual to avoid washing their hair for three days. The dermatologist then collects specific hairs from the problematic area to process them.
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Trichoscopy is a non-invasive diagnostic method for examining the scalp’s skin. It provides important information about the hair’s life cycle and its health. It also assists in diagnosing hair disorders and diseases. This is a laboratory examination, and it is often used as an alternative to a skin biopsy. It provides accurate results and is completely safe.
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